On this page I'll include some of my tips and tricks I've learned while doing my hobby. Where appropriate, I'll include
steps or pictures to help clarify my explanations.
Please feel free to contribute your own tips - I'll post the best ones so everyone can see them.
Great List of Valuable Tips
Locating Oil Screen Pick-Up
When installing an oil pan, make sure the oil screen pick-up is a minimum of 3/8" off
the bottom of the pan, but no more than a 1/2".
Finding Elusive Vacuum Leaks
With the myriad of vacuum lines and hoses found on contemporary vehicles, it’s
often difficult to locate pesky vacuum leaks. Also, after servicing or installing induction system parts {manifolds, carburetors,
TBI or MPFT systems}, vacuum leaks can impair engine idle quality, throttle response and fuel economy. PMAG mechanics do the
following: With the engine idling, squirt small amounts of “quick start” {ether} from an atomized can near any
suspected leaks…or even areas where you suspect a leak might be. If the engine changes speed {typically an rpm increase},
you’ve found the leak. Take caution not to spray any of the “quick start” near the engine’s air inlet
because any change from applications to this area are not leak-related, and will certainly increase rpm.
Diagnosing a Clogged or Partially
Restricted Exhaust
This involves drilling a small hole {typically 1/8-inch o.d. maximum} in the exhaust
pipe ahead of the suspected part {catalytic converter or muffler}. Insert a probe connected to a pressure gauge that can read
positive pressure {a two-way vacuum gauge works well} into this hole. Bring engine rpm up to a cruise speed {2500-3000 rpm}
and note the pressure indicated. Readings on the order of 5 inches are considered acceptable, but if they reach the range
of 10-15 inches, chances are good an abnormal restriction exists. When the test is complete, a small pipe plug or self-tapping
metal screw will plug the hole, especially when used in conjunction with some form of high temperature epoxy.
Identifying Restricted Radiator
Bring the engine up to operating temperature. With the engine still running, slowly pass
your hand around and in close proximity to the radiator core. Unless the surface is excessively hot, actually touching the
surface is preferable. Temperature of this surface should be relatively uniform, over the entire radiator core. Any areas
that appear noticeably cooler suggest regions where coolant is not circulating, thereby reducing radiator surface temperature.
This condition often manifests itself as operating engine temperatures slightly higher, but not necessarily to excess, than
normal radiator core temperature.
Diagnosing for Leaking Cylinder Head Gaskets
Aside from unusually high coolant temperature {this condition can be one of gradual increases
over time}, bring the engine to operating temperature and check for bubbles in the coolant system…viewed through the
open radiator fill neck. Short “blips” of the throttle should increase the intensity and size of any bubbles present.
Another check involves running the engine, at operating temperature, for about two minutes at fast idle or cruise rpm. Allow
the engine to cool and remove all spark plugs. Starter-crank the engine to observe any coolant displaced out the plug holes.
Tracing Air Flow Around Air Scoops
or System Inlets
This check is usually applicable to racing or otherwise high demand driving conditions.
Using regular-grade white grease, form small “tufts” of grease around the air entry. The shape of such “tufts”
should resemble small Hershey candy “kisses.” Perform the type of driving for which the measurement is intended;
e.g., a quarter-mile acceleration, etc. Examine the “tufts” to see how their shape has changed. For example, the
grease will tend to relocate in the direction of airflow, while the extent of “smear” created relates to air flow
velocity. This same test can also be used to determine the presence {or absence} of air around intended inlet points.
Diagnosing “Noisy” Serpentine
Many times, these belts become embedded with dirt and other residue that finds its way
into the grooves of these belts. And because serpentine belts are relatively expensive, the following method of service often
works well. Simply remove the belt, reverse it, and scrub it {with a stiff bristle brush} in a solution of water and liquid
dish soap. Allow the belt to dry before reinstallation.
Installation of Steel Bolts into Aluminum Parts
For any applications of steel bolts/studs into aluminum parts {cylinder heads, valve covers, etc.}, ALWAYS
use some form of anti-seize compound on the threads. Further, it's best to use a bottom tap to "chase" the threads in aluminum
parts and clean bolt threads before applying the compound. And if any factory-recommended torque settings are provided, adhere
to them strictly. This may seem to be a suggestion of small importance, but only one experience installing Heli-coils in hard-to-reach
places will underscore the benefits of anti-seize
Driveability Problems with ECM-equipped CarsEspecially with import vehicles, the electronic control module {on-board computer} is installed beneath
the front seat. According to the PMAG, soft-drinks and coffee spilled on front seats finds its way into the ECM, resulting
in sporadic {or permanent} driveability problems that are particularly difficult to diagnose…unless the spill is identified.
Complete ECM replacement is considerably more expensive than the drink that may have caused the problem. Exercise caution
because it’s not an infrequent problem.
Identifying Cylinder Mis-fire on Racing EnginesEspecially on engines equipped with headers, a couple of methods are handy to remember. With the engine
idling, “dab” the headers with a wet rag, just beyond the header flange. If the moisture doesn’t disappear
immediately, the mis-fire is found. Also, small holes {about 1/8-inch o.d.} drilled near the header flange allows you to see
combustion flame, through the hole, if the cylinder is properly firing….ala Smokey Yunick of days gone by. You can also
hook a timing light to each individual plug wire {one at a time} to see if firing voltage is present. Or, you could do all
Break-inThe importance of this cannot be over-emphasized! Before starting a freshly-cammed engine, make certain
initial ignition spark timing is correct by whatever method you wish. One such approach is to “starter-bump” the
engine until crank damper timing marks align to the initial timing setting desired {a few degrees BTDC}. Position the distributor
housing to align the rotor tip with the #1 spark plug wire terminal. Fill the cooling system. Make sure the induction system
{carburetor, TBI, fuel pressure, etc.} is set for starting the engine. Once the engine fires, quickly adjust engine speed
to about 2000 rpm {or whatever is recommended by the cam manufacturer} and continue running the engine for a minimum of 15
minutes. During this time, don’t allow the engine to idle. This procedure is recommended for any type valve lifter or
camshaft location.
Plug WiresDon't bundle spark plug wires together with tie straps. This can cause misfire because of leaking voltage
between wires. On Chevy V-8 engines, when #5 fires , leaking voltage can cause #7 to fire 90 degrees too early resulting in
damaged parts.
Warm Up EngineAlways warm up engine before racing to a miniumum of 160 degrees oil temp. Cool oil will show high pressure
but won't be flowing through bearings. Results are damaged bearings and valve springs.
Jetting Alcohol EnginesWhen jetting alcohol engines, start with what you know is rich. You'll hear a miss or misfire in upper
RPM range, or you'll feel engine leveling off. At this point, reduce jetting by trial and error until motor is crisp. Jetting
by engine temp alone is very dangerous because if you have efficient cooling system, you can burn motor or send it into detonation
while water temp shows cold.
Adjustable Timing LightsWhen setting timing with adjustable timing lights, be sure if you're setting at 34 degrees on the back
of the timing light that you are using TDC on the damper. We've had customers that have used 34 degrees on timing light and
damper--results are burnt pistons and/or blown up motors. Always check timing after a motor is warm at the highest RPM your
motor will see.
Adjusting Valves with Perma-LocksWhen adjusting valves with perma-lock adjusters, after reaching desired valve lash, loosen adjuster 1/4
turn, tighten allen set screw, force lock adjuster tight (within reason) to desired lash. This will prevent lash adjuster
from coming loose.
Valves with Stud GirdlesWhen adjusting valves with stud girdles, after tightening stud girdles you must recheck valve lash.
Mechanical Roller Lifters
When installing mechanical roller lifters, soak them in oil for 30 minutes prior to installation. This
will prevent dry start-up and excessive wear on needle bearings. At the Well's Racing shop, we use no oil restrictors on Chevy
engines with mechanical roller lifters. We want full oil pressure to needle bearings in roller lifters.
Disassembling an EngineWhen disassembling an engine, be sure all rods and main caps are numbered before removing.
More on DisassemblyUse some type of protection such as a piece of rubber fuel line hose on rod bolts to prevent scarring
journals when disassembling a motor.
Numbering LiftersWhen disassembling an engine, especially on flat-tappet camshafts, make sure each lifter is numbered
to go back on the same lobe of the camshaft.
Installing a Roller-Timing Chain SetWhen installing a roller-timing chain set, bolt the cam gear to the camshaft and install the cam in the
block with the chain on the gear. Press the cam gear towards the rear of the block, and check for a minimum of .050 clearance
between the chain and the block. Most small-block Chevys require grinding to achieve proper clearance.
When Changing Cam DegreeWhen changing cam degree, you must recheck valve clearance. Each degree of change effects valve clearance
approximately .010. Example: If you advance the camshaft .040, you will lose .040 intake valve clearance and gain .040 on
the exhaust clearance. It will be the opposite if you retard the camshaft.
Main and Rod CapsDon't mix up main or rod caps. When disassembling an engine, make sure all rods and main caps are numbered
before removing.
Aftermarket RodsWhen using after-market rods or a longer stroke crankshaft, check block and cam for a minimum of .060
rotating clearance.
Install Crank and Cam with Gear in the BlockInstall crankshaft with gear in block. Install cam with gear in block. Hold a straight edge across both
gears to check for alignment. Machining or shimming may be required.
Oil Pan ClearanceWhen installing an oil pan, you need to make sure the rods and crankshaft clear the pan. To check for
clearance lay one hand on the pan and turn the motor over several times with the other. If you've got a clearance problem
you'll hear noises and/or feel vibration.
Valve ReplacementWhen replacing valves, make sure they don't protrude higher in the chamber than your old valve. If they
do, you'll have to recheck valve clearance. This might cause a gain in compression ratio.